Wednesday 26 September 2012

Pearl Habour Brief

The brief set for this Virtual Environments is the Pearl Habour attack which happened on 7th Decemeber 1941.

This is a very intriguing brief that consists of many different conspiracies. Portraying the information in an believeable and interesting way will be the focus of the module for me.

Pearl Habour was a huge event in American history and it is important to gain a strong perspective which is supported by evidence. It is important to also look at the other conspiracies and include their opinions and evidence for the work.

I am looking forward to creating an emmersive animation scene for Pearl Habour. I think it will be challenging but I am looking forward to learning new skills which can aid in creating the work.

The project is in groups of 3 or 4 people. I am looking forward to mixing ideas and thoughts together with other teammates. I am hoping there is not conflicting ideas because the event is so controversial.

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