Friday 28 September 2012

Initial Research

The first part of the project is the research. This will allow us to create a life-like feeling to the work and also give the important educational aspect which is one of the defining parts of the work.

We looked at how many casulties there were, what machines and people were involved. From here we can apply this knowledge to the animation to make it realistic, dramatic and in the correct order of events as it unfolded.

My initial research for my team was to find out about the battleships used by the US at Pearl Harbor. These were named after American places and include: Nevada, Arizona, Tennessee, Oklahoma, West Virginia, California and Maryland.

USS Arizona held the most casulties- 1,177 dead. Beacuse of this I think I will use Arizona as the main battleship in the animation.

To help with the modelling I will use existing pictures of USS Arizona and physical replica models to help create an accurate representation.

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