Wednesday 26 September 2012

The creation of Infamous

Infamous is the name of our team.

We firstly got together and established what ideas we had about the project. We discussed what our theories were about Pearl Harbor (american spelling) and how we would like to show these.

We all thought that Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) had some involvement in the event so we decided we wanted to include him in the animation somewhere.

We also shared thoughts on what the animation would look like and what aspects of the work we would like to do.

As a team we decided that we wanted a first person perspective of people involved to grab the audience and involve them as much as possible. From this we could show the educational side to the work as if the audience were experiencing it first-hand.

From this we selected what team member should do what. Each member put forward what they would like to research and model using 3DS Max. This first week I am researching what US naval ships were being used at Pearl Harbor and what they looked like, so in the future I could model the ship in detail.

I also will be looking at what attire the people involved wore. These people include:

  • FDR
  • Japanese Lieutenant
  • USS Commander
  • USS naval private
I will research this information and bring it to next weeks meeting.

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