Wednesday 3 October 2012

House tutorial

For this tutorial we were meant to gain experience using the connect tool. It is a quick and accurate way of connecting polygons with lines.

I convert the shape to an editable poly and select an edge. I then select the ring tool to highlight all the edges looping the shape. I then used the connect tool box which allows more accuracy. I can then select how many connections I want, how far apart they are and move them up and down the shape.

I did this to make a polygon for a door. I then used the extrude box tool and the inset tool and then extrude box tool again to create a door with a frame.

I then did the same for a window.

I could then raise the roof by adding a connection across the roof and then raising it.

I then added materials and created this house.

The connect tool is a great way of creating more polygons and I will definately use it in modelling in the future.

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