Monday 1 October 2012

US captain Research

For the animation I had to find out who was commanding USS Arizona when the Japanese attack happened on 7th December 1941. It was Captain Franklin Van Valkenburgh.

He was in charge at the time when Pearl Habor was attacked.

        'Capt. Van Valkenburgh sped forward from his cabin and arrived on the navigation bridge where he immediately began to direct his ship's defense.'

        'A violent explosion suddenly shook the ship, throwing the three occupants of the bridge—Van Valkenburgh, an ensign, and the quartermaster, to the deck, and shattering the bridge windows.'

His attire was a full US Captain's outfit, identical to the one above. This outfit will be used to model in the animation.

1 comment:

  1. it would be cool if we could do the window break thing... dont know how though
