Wednesday 31 October 2012

Modelling the telephone

To make the phone I first created the base shape. I made a box and used the connect tool to separate it into three parts. I then moved the edges of the editable poly to create the bent shape.

I then used the connect tool again along with the extrude tool to create the handset grips. I scaled them smaller to create the finished shape.

I then rendered the shape to see what it was like and I noticed that 3ds had made the base smooth around the base where it should have ridged edges. To fix this I selected the bottom polygons and removed its smoothing groups. This then produced the correct shape I was happy with.

I tweaked it here and there and I was pleased with the shape. I then added shallow cylinders for the feet of the phone.

The next step was to make the handle. I made a box and used the connect tool to create other polys. I could then extrude the edges and the polygons to make the correct shape.

I then made the speakers by editing a cone and squashing the shape into a bump. I then selected the bottom row of polys and moved them out. I could then lower the upper polys to create the edge of the speaker.

I then mirrored the shape and positioned the speakers in the correct places to complete the handset.

The next step was to make the dial. I created a short cylinder and inset the top twice. I then extruded the middle set of polys to create the center dial.

To make the number circles I inset a small, short cylinder. I then copied this and placed then equally around the dial.

I then used the text tool (which I used via a youtube video) to display the numbers. I aligned them accurately and sized them appropriately. I displayed the numbers 0-9.

I really liked the text tool, it was very easy to use.

The final step was to add material. The phones were traditionally made using black shiny plastic or metal. Therefore I used a shiny black material and applied it to the base, handle and numbers. I applied a gold texture to the center of the dial and ticker.

I grouped the base objects into one and the handle into another group. This will make it much easier to animate the phone being picked up.

I am really pleased with the phone and I am glad I have learnt to use the text feature of 3ds.

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