Monday 3 December 2012

Animating the Japanese takeoff scene

The beginning of the work shows the Japanese taking off from their ship. It shows the Japanese commander looking at his watch and saluting the pilots as they takeoff.

To animate I used the same ALT X freeze technique to move the biped. I placed and scaled the ship to the size of the biped as shrinking the biped caused problems as the arms resized incorrectly.

To create the environment I created the sea using an online tutorial and placed all the components inside a large cylinder. I then placed a sky material on to the cylinder and used a UVW map to make sure it looked realistic.

Using the auto key I managed to animate the arms and hands to look at the watch and salut the pilots. This was relitively easy. But in the final render I will have to hide the skeleton as it came through the skin.

I then merged the planes made by Eva into the scene, scaling appropriately. Dimitar animated the propellers to rotate continuously using the dope sheet. We looked at using a motion blur as well to give a more realistic effect.

I made the planes take off but animating them using the set key as this gives greater detail in how the plane moves in each axis.

By timing the planes and the saluting correctly it makes the scene flow easier and tells the story to the audience easier.

I added a light to make out there is a control tower behind the commander. This tries to extend the scene without actually having it physically to show.

I am very pleased with the resulting animation and it flows well.

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