Monday 3 December 2012

Animating FDR scene

For the conspiracy of the Pearl Harbour animation we decided to make the president choose not to notify the USS about the upcoming attack.

The animation of the scene shows FDR finding the bomb plot document coming through his typewriter. He will pick it up, look at it, and then pick the phone up too. After he has done this he compares the document and phone and puts the phone down. This will highlight the decision to not tell the US about the attack.

To animate I render a scene with a view of the phone and one of the typewriter.

I use the auto key to move the paper up the typewriter at about 60 frames. I had to precisely place the paper in the machine so it flows out realistically. I use a sweeping free camera to make the shot more interesting.

To animate the pickup of the of document I had to select the arms and hands and use Alt X to make it opaque. I then freeze the selection. I can now move the biped with the use of the auto key to animate the character. Here I can move the fingers over a few key frames to make it look like the hands are moving.

To make FDR pickup the paper and phone I had to use a link parameter. This was used through the motion tab and under the parameter rollout.

I had to select the object (paper or phone) at link to world at key frame 1. At the keyframe where I want the character to pick up object I animate the hands to the correct position for pickup and select the paper/phone and add a link by then selecting the hands. From here the object does and goes wherever the hand goes. I did this for the document and phone.

This new technique really helped me make the animation what I needed it to be. I am really pleased I learnt it. It was easy to use at makes the scene more effective.

I added a spotlight to make the scene look more sinister and striking.

I am very pleased with the result and have learnt a lot from making this scene.

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