Saturday 8 December 2012

Skills Learnt

Throughout the Virtual Environment module I have learnt a lot about modelling and animation in 3DS Max. I has given me the chance to broaden my skills and face new challenges.

I have achieved the target of learning how to use the loft tool to create a shape. I did this in the battleship model. It produced a quick, effective shape that would of taken a lot longer to create using other methods. It was very accurate too.

I also wanted to learn how to model using reference planes. I did this when creating the hands for the 3 characters. I helped me make an accurate and realistic model of a hand that I was proud of.

The hand was the greatest challenge for me in this project. It proved to have a more complicated way of animating than I thought, but I managed to learn a new skill of attaching the hand and arms to a biped using the skin modifier. It gave a great effect and I was very relieved when it worked correctly!

I also learnt new skills along the way.

One of them being how to using a link parameter. I managed to make the character pick up an object at a certain point through the animation and move it with him. It was a little difficult to get to grips with at first but once I knew to connect it to the world at the first keyframe I was away.

Another skill I leant was how to create a chrome material. I looks great in renders and reflects the environment within it. I used it on the typewriter mostly but I thought it wa a great technique and I would would it again.

I also learnt how to create a realistic sea. Using the noise map and other tools I was able to produce a sea that was realistic. The only problem was that when rendered it moved way too fast and looked like it was moving through time! I really would of liked to change it to make it look more real but the time frame in which we had did not give me a chance to do so.

The other skill I loved learning was how to use mental ray lighting. It seemed to make the scene so much more realistic. The scene/model I am most proud of is the boat corridor. It uses the daylight system and a mental ray light portal to produce what I think is a very realistic corridor.

Overall I can proudly say I have learnt what I set out to learn and much more. I intend to carry this knowledge into future projects.

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