Tuesday 4 December 2012

Creating the run to the outside

At the end of the control room scene the commander turns left as if to run somewhere. The next shot is of him running down the ships corridor to the outside to get a better view of the situation.

To create the scene I had to model a inner ship corridor. I researched what they looked like and found they use turn handle blast doors for safety if the boat sinks. Therefore I will model them within the corridor along with the biped.

The biped will "run" through the corridor to the open door at the end, push it open and look outside.

To create the corridor I created a long cuboid and use the shell modifier. This created a walled room. I modelled the doors using a chamfered box. Once I had the shape I used the Boolean tool to make a doorway. This way the doorway and the door were the exactly the same size.

I create the handle by placing a cylinder in the centre of the door and extruding the end polygons. I created a simple torus shape for the actual handle bars. The next step was to place the captains hands inside.

Once that was all correct I merged the corridor and biped with the harbour environment. The daylight system produced a good lighting effect at the door opening but it was way too dark inside.

To fix this I placed a mental ray portal light in the roof of the corridor. This produced a a more realistic and useful lighting effect.

Using the ALT X method once again I animated the biped to move towards the door and open it. I then made the character put his hands on the side bar of the ship and look up.


When animating the camera I wanted to make a lifelike running effect so using the set key I moved the camera along but up and down at the same time.

At the end of the scene he looks up and sees the waves of Japanese planes fly over. I wanted the camera to focus on one wave at a time so using the cameras set key I moved it so he followed the first wave and then the second.

I rendered the scene in different places to make sure it looked ok. At one point the hands skeleton was showing so I hid the bones using the hide tool.

Mental ray portal and daylight system make the scenes seem so more realistic and in the future I intend to use it in all the scenes I make.

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